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Are your Events getting the Media Coverage they Deserve?

Are your events getting the media attention they deserve? Media coverage of your events is a massive opportunity to grow. It offers incredible exposure that allows you to reach a much wider audience. A carefully crafted press release can create a media buzz around your events that leads to more attention, more attendees, and ultimately more money so you can further your impact on your community. Regardless of whether your next event is virtual or in-person, let’s get it the coverage it deserves!

Three quick tips for your next press release: 

1. Keep it simple. You only have a few moments to capture attention. Create a request for coverage that clearly outlines the purpose of your event in a headline format- Bolded and attention grabbing. Include your organization media contact details at the top of your release for easy RSVPs!
2. The bulk of your release can get into more details. Include any special funding or attendees who will be present, and the date/location.
3. Towards the end of your release, offer a section about the hosting organization with any special statistics, the organization "why" and who the organization serves.

Above all, get it out there! Even if it's not perfect, making the ask is the first step to getting RSVPs. With time and practice, your ability to craft an engaging press release will improve. What other questions do you have? What would help you with your next event press release? Drop a comment and I'll be happy to point you in the right direction! ⠀