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4 Ways to Continuously Improve as an Event Coordinator

When you’re knees deep the world of event planning, it can be a bit overwhelming. Your to-do list can feel never-ending, and sometimes it’s just one event after another. With all the hustle and bustle during the year, how do you find time to improve? Here are some of my favorite simple things you can do to improve as you grow (amongst all your planning efforts, and even with the world’s current unpredictable circumstances!).

Improve Your Negotiation Skills - If there’s one quick way to nail your event budget and please your stakeholders, it’s this. The more familiar you are with negotiation skills and industry standards for comps, the better deals you will work out with vendors. From venues to catering and decor, vendors are often willing to work with you to get within your budget and offer services that exceed your expectations so they can earn your business. Depending on the size of your meeting or event, there may be special options available to you that you simply have to ask about. Have an idea for something that would benefit your event that a vendor may have easy access to? Just ask and see what you can work out. You may be surprised by what you learn!

Increase Site Visits (even virtually!) - Site selection is a vital part of any event. Keeping an arsenal of options at the back of mind will not only help you find the perfect venue for your next event, but will also keep you connected to sales people and venue staff who can help with your next event. It also doesn’t hurt to revisit venues you may have vetted previously. This can help you ensure their level of service has remained consistent and they will still exceed your expectations. Stay open to new and alternative locations. And always, always be forthcoming and upfront about your program needs - if you don’t have an event coming up in the immediate future, be sure to share that with your sales rep so they aren’t trying to get you on the calendar right away.

Consider Your Intellectual Growth - Industry certifications like the CMP or CSEP are a great way to show your current or prospective employers your value and experience in events. If you’re not quite ready for certification, continue gaining experience planning and seek out courses specific to training domain areas that you have less experience in. This will not only help increase your knowledge, but it will also help prepare you for the certification processes!

Follow Up with Everyone - Surveys can be a great way to learn what went well and what you can improve upon. Don’t just survey attendees. Survey vendors as well to gain insight on what they liked or would like to see changed - You never know when someone may share a suggestion from another event they participated in that could help you in the future!

Regardless of how long you’ve been planning events or how great your events are, there is always room for improvement. Take a few minutes to schedule in some of the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to improved experiences for everyone involved in your events, including yourself!